DIY deep conditioning hair mask

A woman's hair is her glory.
Hair magic makes you feel even more beautiful by enhancing your facial features and boosting confidence. Facts. Great hair days usually call for great days overall. What happens if your hair isn't feeling the decisions you've made for it? Let me explain. I get inspired to switch things up quite a bit. It was my idea to take my hair from strawberry blonde to a lighter blonde. My hairstylist fulfilled my request and I was pleased. When your hair is bleached, It is damaging to your hair shaft and Even your scalp. I knew this going in as I was born into a family of cosmetologists. Hair is most fragile when it's striped of protein. Protein needs to be deposited back into the hair for strength which prevents breakage. So when my hair had an attitude, here's what I did to make it feel better.They called my paternal grandmother “growing hands” as every hair client she touched had very healthy hair which helped it grow long and strong. As a young girl, I watched her whip up a concoction she used on mostly all her clients. So when wash day came around for me I thought, what would granny do?
Here's her tried and true hair recipe remixed by yours truly.
DIY Deep Conditioner Hair Mask Recipe
- 4 tablespoons of mayo
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tablespoons of organic olive oil
- 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil
- Mayo – Coats and deeply moisturizes hair strands restoring PH balance to damaged hair.
- Egg – Protein that strengthens hair follicles and helps rebuild damaged ends. Also revitalizes hair texture while adding shine.
- Organic Olive Oil – Nourishes the scalp and coats the damaged hair shaft giving it a smoother appearance.
- *Organic Coconut Oil – Prevents hair breakage and split ends by seeping deep into the hair follicle. Also promotes a healthy scalp and moisturizes dry hair. *My added ingredient for added protection.
How Did it work for me? I recorded the process and steps in the video below. Watch the video before trying it for yourself. Be kind and share it with a friend.
Fresh out the salon about a week ago.
DIY Deep Conditioning Mask just two days ago. Click video to see my hair right before this treatment.
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