
Combing through my files, I came across these photos taken of me at the top of this year. You know they are quite old because my platinum blonde hair is now a memory. Side note. I never thought I could pull off this hair color, but I'm glad I curbed my fears and just did it! Why I'm posting these photos now is a lotta bit of procrastination and a little bit of insanity. Studying them closely, I thought to myself ~ Self, seriously why did you hold back?
At times, I'm guilty of overthinking myself to the point of no return. Insert ridiculous thoughts here. Could I have done some leg lunges and squats to fill out the dress? Perhaps. Also, I don't really like how my hair looks here ~ which is probably why these were chilling in my archives. I remember this day being SUPER cold! Although I was pretty covered up, my body was flat out freezing and your girl was determined to capture style for the sake of the blog.
If not careful, overthinking can potentially destroy your process. I can admit that my process this year was not destroyed, but definitely tested. I am grateful. Grateful to be a young woman whose experienced the lows of lows while being processed by the most high. Nurturing areas of my life that needed attention and embracing imperfection along the way. Getting to know me as I am now and learning from the person I used to be has been a blessing. Imperfection is a part of the journey. I thank God for this revelation and wisdom to know that what you've once criticized may be admired later.
Nothing happens by chance. Honestly, I had no plans of scheduling a blog post today whatsoever. Was about to delete these photos while clearing out files in my PC. Taking a closer look gave me pause, made a U-turn and reflected on this day I nearly froze my bones and most importantly why I do what I do. Encourage. Inspire. Reminding people to reach higher.
Today just so happens to be the day I launched my blog last year. My prayer is that it has been a positive resource of inspiration it was intended to be. Thank you all for reading and sharing!
Chrishelle Monet
Dedicated to my late Aunt Cheryl. A colorful character who loved God, hair, unique wardrobe and wasn't afraid to express herself. These boots remind me of you.
Outfit: Akira Jewelry: www.GoldRushBoutique.com